Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Terra-Cotta, Primitive Future at the Gimhae Clayarch Museum.

5th Anniversary Main Exhibition:  Terra-Cotta, Primitive Future
The Clayarch Gimhae Museum leads the field of architectural ceramics and integrates science with art, education and industry.  Clayarch Gimhae Museum is committed to diversity in art and content showing the works of selected international and national ceramists and various experts in architecture, art, sculpture, photograph, and video.

Participating Artists
<국외> 로손 오이칸 Lawson OYEKAN (UK)
만프레드 엠메네거 칸츠러Manfred EMMENEGGER-KANZLER (Germany)
마리안 헤이어달 Marian HEYERDAHL (Norway)
호시노 사토루 HOSHINO Satoru (Japan)
아키오 다카모리 Akio TAKAMORI (U.S.)
제프 슈무키 Jeff SCHMUKI (U.S.)
사라 린들리 Sarah LINDLEY (U.S.)
야세르 발르만 Yasser BALLEMANS (Netherlands)
<국내> 한애규 HAN Aikyu (KOR)
원경환 WON Kyunghwan (KOR)
최홍선 CHOI Hongsun (KOR)
전은정 JEON Eunjeong (KOR)
이재준 LEE Jaejun (KOR)
주후식 JOO Hoosik (KOR
이화윤 LEE Hwayoon (KOR) 

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